This is the seventh group of article titles from our journals, covering 2005, 2006, and 2007. Topics in this list include migration routes, local news events, and profiles of businesses.
The following is a list of articles published by The Genealogical Society of Rowan County, North Carolina in the Journal Of The Genealogical Society Of Rowan County, North Carolina from 2005 through 2007.
Journal Year 2005

Dolphin Davis Bible, 1787-1902, Salisbury, NC
Isaac Sherril-Amanda Haigler Bible, 1740-1955, NC
Funeral Invitations, Examples Of Sally Mitchell And Archibald Henderson, D. 1878, 1880
Jeff Davis Re Capture By Federal Troops, Jun. 1865
George Washington Quote On Scotch-Irish, Valley Forge, Brief
M. C. Miller Letter From Civil War, Oct. 1864, Leake Co., Ms
Hans Nicholas And Anna Margreta Struble Eisenhauer Bio. And Family, 1691-1969, Ger.; NC
E. O. Poole-Lucy Hill Bible, 1840-1918, Morgan Twp., NC
Placibo Houston And C. R. Young Bible, 1756-1893
Herbert Hoover Family, 1740-1909
North Carolina Vs. John Hoover, Murder Of Slave Mira, Dec. 1839
John Hoover 1838 Will And 1840 Codicil, Iredell Co., NC
Clarence Kluttz Commits Suicide Near Organ Church, 1909, Salisbury, NC
Theodore Paas Buerbaum Family, B. 1852, Ger.; NC
Theodore Buerbaum Recalls Conversation With J. L. Hedrick, 1912, NC
Arthur Weaver Recalls Brothers Causing Explosion, 1895, NC
Andrew Jackson Tales, 19Th C., Salisbury, NC
Anne Jarret Rutherford Recalls Andrew Jackson, 1787, NC
Joseph And Leah Garwood Family, 1734-1860, Rowan Co., NC
Wendell Miller Records And Letters Excerpts, 1700S-1800S, NC
Old Stage Coach Road Points Of Interest, 1800S
John Barger Family Record Excerpts, 1800S, NC
Mrs. Charles Trexler Confronts Burgler, 1905, East Spencer, NC
Jessie Ryan-Charles M. Smith Marriage Note, M. 1910, NC
Bessie Wiggs-Karl Lentz Marriage Note, M. 1910, NC
Lucy J. Frick-George C. Stirewalt Marriage Note, M. 1910, NC
Walter C. Poole-Carrie Bame Marriage, 1909, NC
George H. Shaver Celebrates 84Th Birthday, 1935, NC
Clarence Kluttz Suicide Near Organ Church, 1900S, NC
Daniel Lewis Will, 1801, Rowan Co., NC
Daniel M. Eagle Fam., 1830S-1860S, Rowan Co., NC
Walter C. Poole-Carrie Bame Marriage Note, M. 1909, NC
Robert A. Uncle Bob Shuping Re 75 Years Of Hard Work, 1938, NC
Franey C. Ketchie Josey Obit., 1846-1938, NC
E. E. Oliver-Clara Proctor Elopement Note, 1908, NC
Robert A. Knox Obit., D. 1888, NC
Ann Eliza Rainey Obit., D. 1888, NC
Baxter Harrison-Rosa Brown Marriage Note, M. 1908, NC
H. Graeber Miller Obit., D. 1906, NC
Glossary Of Terms, B-D
S. M. Furr Commission As Captain In The Militia Of North Carolina, 1863
James Craig Commissions As Captain, 1770S-1780S, England; NC
Theodore Paas Buerbaum Biography, 1880-1926, Germany; NC
Carolina Watchman Excerpts, 1896, 1908
John L. Shaver Bible, 1810-1905
Thomas Cowan Bible Records, 1746-1799
Mary Cowan Will, 1828
Andrew Jackson’s Mother Did Not Die By Roadside In 1846, Research Results, 1913
Wills, Book H, 1815-1832
County Court Of Pleas And Quarter Sessions, May 5-9, 1794
Woodside Newspaper Excerpts, April 9, 1896
Salt Commissioner’s Notice Of Produce-Salt Exchange, Dec. 1864
Magistrates List, Feb. 1866
Cheap Schools Needed For Salisbury, Newspaper Excerpts, Feb. 1866
George Boger And Boger Reformed Church, 1782-1865
Wills, Probated 1829
James Knox Polk, James Knox And Thyatira Presbyterian Church Notes
Marriages, Carolina Watchman, Feb. 6, 1910
Old Or Extinct Schools Of The County, Book Excerpts, 1898
Wills, 1829-1830
Carolina Watchman Victor Freeze Murdered By Alex Sloan At Mill Bridge, N.D.
Court News, Apr. 6, 1909
Democrats Hold Grand Rally, 1898
Rockwell Church Completed, 1924
Board Of Commissioners Proceedings, Mar., May 1888
Court Minutes, 1753-1781
Wills, 1830-1832
Frick Company, Eclipse Machinery, 1853-1911
Summersett Undertaking Company, 1907-1911
Charles R. Wood-Cora Carson Marriage Note, M. 1903, Salisbury, NC
Journal Year 2006
Marshall Mckoy And Captain Varker Killed In Mine Blast, May 10, 1854, Mecklenburg, NC
Henry E. Shoaf Obit., Age 79, B. 1849, Mooresville, NC
Ola S. Shoaf Kimrey Obit., 1881-1970, Raleigh, NC
Jay Shoaf Newspaper Excerpts, 1921, Mooresville, NC
Lottie Wawa Merle Shoaf Notes, 1893-1987, Rowan Co., NC
Alva Devon Pethel Notes And Obit., D. 1975, Age 79, Ky, NC
Merle Shoaf And Alvie Pethel Wedding, M. 1922, Salisbury, NC
Jenny Jo White Linn Obituary, 1930-2006, Tn, NC
John Correll Biography, 1780-1844, NC, Il
Mary Ann Troutman Correll Biography, 1782-1850S, NC, Il
David Correll Biography, 1783-1859, NC
John Tabor Deposition Against Thomas Anderson, 1779, Burke County, NC
Robert Crowell Kenerley Family,1750Scontd., NC
Hickman Family Of Rowan, NC, 1756-1852
James Miller Death Notice, D. 1900, Age 50, Eng.; NC
Boydens Fam. In Rowan Co., NC, 1635Contd.
George Hodge-Elizabeth Parker-Howell Parker Estate Records, 1829, 1839, NC
Captain Augustus Martin Bio. And Civil War Service With Co. C, 54Th NC Regt. Inf., 1833-1865
Wright Family Of Wilkes Co., NC, 1728Contd.
Major James H. Foote Bio., B. 1825, Wilkes Co., NC
Julia Jackson Christian-E. R. Preston Wedding, 1907, Charlotte, NC
Elizabeth Crowel Obit., 1816-1910, NC
George And Elizabeth Hodge Deed, 1839, Montgomery Co., NC
Elizabeth Crowell Obit., D. 1910, Pleasant Site, NC
Jacob Richards Estate Inventory, N.D., N.P.
Jacob Parker Charged With Killing Wife, 1886, Morgan Twp., Rowan Co., NC
Reverend John F. Hodge In Buggy Accident, 1886, Rowan Co., NC
David H. Trott Death Notice, D. 1886, Sumter Co., Al
F. E. Swain Letter Inquiring About Ivory Carved At Salisbury Prison C. 1864, Hartford, Ct
James Mcneely Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
John Hampton Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Richard Emerson Will, 1830, Rowan Co., NC
Adam Pawlus Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Lawrence Clement Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Jelson Berryman Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Gasper Smith Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Elizabeth Cope Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Jane Parkes Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
George Miller Will, 1834, Rowan Co., NC
Ben W. Freeze Obit., Age 72, D. 1933, Woodleaf, NC
Benjamin W. Freeze Funeral Notice, Age 72, D. 1933, Woodleaf, NC
Ben W. Freeze Buried According To Plans, Age 72, D. 1933, Woodleaf, NC
Mrs. Benjamin Freeze Corpse Laid On Mattress Beside Husband In Family Vault, 1861-1955, Woodleaf, NC
Mrs. Ben Freeze Funeral, 1861-1955, Woodleaf, NC
William Lunn-Esther Lindsey Envelope, 1788-1873, Smith Grove, NC
John B. Palmer-William Lunn Deed, 1818, Rowan Co., NC
William Lunn-Nathan Wade Deed Of Trust, 1829, Rowan Co., NC
Isham P. Ellis-William Lunn-Murphy Taylor Deed, 1835, Rowan, Co., NC
Benjamin Franklin Lunn-Rachel Melvina Smith Bio. Note, 1788-1879, Davie Co., NC
William Osburn Smith Family, 1799-1885, Davie Co., NC
Naomi N. Dobbins Estate Document, 1867, Rowan Co., NC
Joseph M. Menius Re Menius Memorial Association, 1976, Salisbury, NC
Census Excerpts, 1850
Census, 1850 (Sel.)
Coddle Creek Church History, 1757 Contd.
Will Excerpts, 1780S-1833
Salisbury Confederate Prison Symposium, 1998 Contd.
Theodore Paas Buerbaum Death Notice, D. 1926
Wills, 1831-1833
Laura Elizabeth Ehrgott Barber And Her Work With The Grange, Family Notes, 1884-1960
Jonathan Barber Log House Torn Down, Came With Army, Two Cemeteries, 1794-1951
Hanging, Whit Ferrand And Anderson Brown Hung For Murdering Deputy Sheriff H. C. Owen, 1895
County Commissioners Plan For New Court House, 1907
Local Obituaries, 1904-1922 (Sel.)
Rowan County Wills, 1833
Physicians Listed In Rowan Co. Census, 1850
Rowan County Chronological Timeline From Deeds, Wills, Marriages, Taxes, 1753-1849
Colonial Theatre Grand Opening Ad, 1917
Soldier Habeas Corpus Writs, Oct. 1813
Essie H. Barber Retires As Barber Postmaster, June, 1957
Barber Was Famous For Dogs And Hunts, C. 1900
Timeline Of County History, 1753-1836
Industrial And Commercial Activities In Salisbury And Spencer, 1911
Hanging Of Frank Gaston, July 1886
Laura Wood Hanged, Including Inquest Record, D. 1930, Barber, Wi
Tom Ingram Dies In Mining Accident At Gold Hill, D. 1906
Bailey Graveyard
P. H. Meroney Re Salisbury Band, C. 1870
Magistrates Jailed For Cruelty To Animals, 1886
Daniel A. Crisco Charged With Selling False Gold, 1886
Sheriff Timeline, 1754-1813
Bethpage Presbyterian Church History, 1732-1916
Industrial And Commercial Directory Excerpts, 1911
Mint Cola Co. Ad, N.D.
Bastardy Papers For Jared Ball, Jr., 1827, Rowan Co. NC
Journal Year 2007
Barbrick Family Notes, NC
John Fink And George Fink Probate Records, 1866, 1887, Cabarrus Co. NC
Lunn Family Notes, NC
David Linn Letter To Mary Alice Bigham Weaver, 1908, In To NC
H. Graeber Miller Obituary, 1837-1906, NC
Jesse Kluttz Obituary, Age 79, D. 1910, NC
John B. D. Miller Obituary, 1845-1915, NC
Henry W. A. Miller Civil War Service Notes, NC
Lentz-Lance Reunion, Fulton Heights Park, 1912, NC
Carrie And D. E. Evans Divorce, 1913, Rowan Co. NC
Vance Bradshaw Accident, Death, 1900, Rowan Co. NC
J. C. Bernhardt Obituary, Age 78, D. 1912, Rowan Co. NC
Andrew Betz Probate Petition, 1800, Rowan Co. NC
Sergeant Henry S. Pittman Laid To Rest At Arlington, 1929, NC
J. A. Cahill Obituary, 1957, NC
Ruth E. Goodman Re Pioneers Of Our Holshouser Family Research, 1976Contd., NC
Solomon Eagle-Nancy Dodge Grave Marker Information, D. 1877, 1880, NC
Gibson Family Research, 1767Contd., Rowan County, NC
Joseph A. Christie-Martha Brantley-Margaret Dearman Fam., 19Th C. Contd., NC
Solomon Eagle Bio., 1881-1877, NC
Catey Fennel-Henry Hofner Bastardy Document, 1822, NC
Gincey Gheen-James Dunn Bastardy Document, 1818, NC
Eve Fight-Tobias Airey Bastardy Document, 1821, NC
George And Sarah Fink Bible, 1790S-1880S
Luther Keller Hurlocker-Kate Elizabeth Suther Wedding, M. 1919, NC
Parks Cline-Ruth Propst Wedding, M. 1919, NC
General York Defends Bridge From General Stoneman And The Union Troops, 1865
Cowan Family Research, 18Th C. Contd., NC
Reverend George H. Cox Body To Lie In State At St. John’s Lutheran, 1928, NC
Born In The Carolinas, Solving Problems Of Identity And Residence, 1790-1810
Christie Family, 20Th C. Contd., NC, Sc
John O. Hawkins Reflects On The Appalachian Dialect
Gordon C. Foutz Tombstone Trouble, 1953, NC
Solomon Eagle-Agnes Nancy Hodge Tombstone Notes, D. 1877, 1880, NC
Henry R. Goodman Obituary, 2007, NC
Sallie Parker Price Obituary, Age 86, D. 1936, NC
Henry Hofner-Caty Fennel Bastardy Charge, 1822, NC
Judge And Colonel Samuel Spencer Role In County History, 1700S
North Carolina Soldiers Were Last At Appomattox, Four Reasons Why, 1905
Edenton Tea Party, 1774
Olin Doub Civil War Account
Mrs. Lyman A. Cotten Address At Dedication Of Marker Honoring Frances Fisher Tiernan, Christian Reid
Location Of Tax Districts, 1700S
Rowan County Will Abstracts, 1834-1835 (Sel.)
Winter Quarters Of The John H. Spark’s Circus To 1912
John H. Sparks’ Circus Comes In To Salisbury For Winter, 1912
Salisbury’s Old Lutheran Graveyard History, Some Inscriptions, 1766Contd.
County Pensions Board Approves Veteran Applications, List, 1913
Davis And Wiley Bank Described In Commercial Directory, 1911
Arey Hardware Company Described In Commecial Directory, 1911
Christian Association At C. S. Military Prison, 1864
James Carter, Greedy Land Dealer Founded Salisbury
Isaac Cowan Petition Of Divorce From Sarah Stewart, 1802
Industrial And Commercial Items, Salisbury And Spencer, 1911
Will Records, 1834-1836 (Sel.)
Rowan Record Excerpts, 1919
James M. Mccorkle Re Physicians And Drug Stores, 1869-1954
Rowan County Confederate Monument History
History Retold In Individual Human Lives, 19Th C.
Draft List, Agn-Dou
Wills, 1830S (Sel.)
Industries And Commercial Enterprises, 1911
Wills, 1820S-1830S
Nicholas Gaither Estate Slave Division, 1826
Slaves In The Account Book Of John Pool, 1833-1841
Evening World Excerpts, Jul. 2, 1897
Draft List, Do-Ju
William Glascock Constable Bond, 1804
John Goss Constable Bond, 1811
Lottie Merle Shoaf Pethel Family, Includes Shoaf And Miller Families, 19Th-20Th C., NC
Image: Johnston, Frances Benjamin, photographer. McNeely House, Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.