The Journal of The Genealogical Society of Rowan County (North Carolina) publishes material of genealogical significance relating to Old Rowan County, North Carolina. North Carolina created Rowan County in 1753 from Anson County. Subsequently, between 1770 and 1836, Surry, Iredell, Davidson, and Davie counties were cut from Rowan. Material from these counties may be accepted for publication in the Journal.
Editorial Policy
Manuscripts submitted will be judged for factual accuracy, sources, style, clarity, and general appeal to the membership. Neither the Journal nor the Society assumes responsibility for errors in submitted material. Corrections of proved errors will appear in a subsequent issue. Material submitted to the Journal for review will become the property of the Genealogical Society and be placed in the Edith M. Clark History Room of the Rowan Public Library.
Queries are free to all individual Society members who submit a pedigree chart. Non-members are charged $4.00 per query.
Correspondence for Queries, letters to the Editor, or material submitted for publication should be mailed to Editor, The Genealogical Society of Rowan County, Post Office Box 4305, Salisbury, NC 28145.
The Journal is a quarterly publication and is sent the last week of each month (March, June, September, December/Index).