In this second group of Rowan County Journal titles, the years 1990, 1991, and 1992 are shown below. Although you will see that the McCubbins Files are mentioned here, they are also available in digital form from the Rowan County Public Library’s History Room in the McCubbins Collection.

The following is a list of articles published by The Genealogical Society of Rowan County, North Carolina in the Journal Of The Genealogical Society Of Rowan County, North Carolina from 1990 through 1992.
Hezekiah T. Graham-Amanda Ritchie Fam., NC
E.B. Jackson (Dr.), NC
David Miller Note, NC, Il
Edith Holshouser Ritchie Obit., 1990, NC
Morfield-Miller Sale, 1793, NC
Thomas Barber Slandered, 1906, NC
John Lock Will, 1764, NC
Laws Of NC, 1788
Mayflower Passengers
Permission For Minors To Marry, 1888
Births, Pre 1914, A
Common Schools
Justices Of The Peace, 1881
Samuel Rothrock Diary Of Funerals, 1883-93
Census, 1870
Cleveland Baptist Cemetery
Ebenezer Meth. Cemetery
Knox Chapel Meth. Cemetery
Saint Jude Epis. Cemetery
Mccubbins Files
Common Schools
Representatives To Csa Congress
Yankees Invade Unity Twp.
Widows Applications, 1907
Recognizance Bond, 1779
Court Extracts, 1815, 1859
Census, 1870
Providence Lutheran Cemetery
South River Meth. Cemetery
Mccubbins Files
Tax Notices, 1888
Common Schools
Western Rowan Post Offices
County Commissioners, 1868-1986
Laborer’s Payroll, 1863
News Items, 1864, Inc. Casualties
Soldiers Applications, 1907
Census, 1870
Captain Peter Riblins Tax List, 1810
Insolvents, 1790
News Items, 1858
Salisbury West Ward Inspectors, No Date
Pension Applications, A-C
Gold Hill Mines History
Grand Jurors, 1842
Justices Of The Peace List, 1882
Justices Of The Peace, 1881
Court Notes, 1754, 1766
Census, 1870
Bethlehem Church History
Bethpage Presbyterian Cemetery
Eliz. Maxwell Steele Gift To Gen. Greene
El. Maxwell Steele Gift To Gen. Greene
Joshua Penix-Mary Cathey Fam., NC
John Boon, Rev. War Service, NC, Va
Jacob Wiseman-Henry Sloan Note, 1777, NC
Peter Troutman-Rebecca Honeycutt Fam., NC
Etta Corriher-John Fleming Wedding,1895,Nc
Estella Gibson Mem., Burning Of Prison, Cw
Peter Troutman-Rebecca Honeycutt Fam.,Nc
Jacob Miller, Rev. War Service, NC
James Neill, Rev. War Service, NC
Etta Corriher-J. Fleming Wedding, 1895,Nc
John Boon Family, NC Patriot
John Boon, Rev. War, NC
Peter Troutman-Rebecca Honeycutt Fam., NC
Peter Troutman-Rebecca Honeycutt Fam.,Nc
Lemley-Kecher-Lopwasser Connection, NC
William Moore, Rev. War, NC
Wiseman-Harper Deed, 1798, NC
Margaret Tarrk Petition For Divorce, 1860,Nc
Hunt-Craige Duet, 1854
Hunt-Craige Duet, 1854, Dc
Felix Clodfelter Will, Inc. Slaves,1814
Joseph Hall Plant., Slave Mem., Mit. Carson
Tax List, 1812
Confederate Pension Applic. List, D-H
Superior Court Minutes, 1783
Third Creek Church, 1837
Census, 1870
Mccubbins File
Bastardy Bonds, 1817
County Claims, 1809
Etta Corriher-John Fleming Wedding, 1895
News Item, 1834
Burning Of Prison, Estella Gibson Mem.
Confederate Pension Applic. List, 1907
Confederate Pension Applic. List, I-L
Inferior Court Grand Jury, No Date
Census, 1870
Heidelburg Lutheran Recs.
Confederate Pension Applic., List, S-Y
Census, 1870
Heidelburg Lutheran Recs.
Felix Clodfelter Will, Inc. Slaves, 1814
Deeds Marriage Book, 1753-1800, H-J
Locations In Tax Districts
News Items, 1855-56
News Item, 1854
Economic View Of County, 1860
Joseph Hall Plantation, Slave Mem., Mit. Carson
Wiseman-Harper Deed, 1798
Margaret Tarrk Petition For Divorce, 1860
Court Minutes Extract, 1753-67
Census, 1870
Julius Ramsey Obit., 1864, NC
Susan Martin-Alfred Broad Wedding, 1889, NC
Richard Myers Mems., 57Th NC, Cw
Jacob Skiles-Ann Dobbins Bastardy Bond, NC
Charles Crawford Obit., 1890, NC
Amos Park-Mildred Briggs Fam., NC
Annie Laura Smithdeal Obit., 1893, NC
Thomas Mcneely Death, NC
John Richwine Suicide, 1882, NC
Michel Ney Legend, NC
Jane Brandon Eads Obit., 1881, Il
Non Us Natives In 1850 Census
Salisbury Female Institution, 1850
News Items, 1832-87 (Sel.)
Westward Movement From NC
Inferior Court Recs., 1782-83
Organ Church History
Phannels Church Baptisms, 1839-90
Census, 1870
Slave Schedule, 1860
First Presbyterian Recs., 1862-65
Brougnton Hospital Cemetery
Marriages, 1892-93
Susan Martin-Alfred Broad Wedding, 1889
News Item, 1890
Courthouse History
Jacob Skiles-Ann Dobbins Bastardy Bond, 1788
Organ Church History
Bastardy Bonds, 1757-1878
Census, 1870
Slave Schedule, 1860
Mccubbins File Extracts
News Item, 1895
News Items, 1881-82
Rowan In 1949
Court Records, 18Th C.
Inferior Court Notes, 1783
Abbott’s Creek Bridge Petition, 1772
Bastardy Bonds, 1822-69
Census, 1870
Physicians, 1850
Slave Schedule, 1860
Marriages, 1850
Birth Notices, 1850
News Items, 1882
Michel Ney Legend
Deeds Office Records, 1789
Bastardy Bonds, 1860-78
Census, 1870
Slave Schedule, 1860
Osborn G. Foard, D.1882, NC